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民主党总统候选人乔拜登(Joe Biden)参加2020年10月22日在田纳西州纳什维尔举行的最终总统辩论。

特朗普回应说:“这是典型的说法。” “这是典型的政治声明。让我们离开中国这个事情。他看着桌子周围的家庭,只是一个典型的政治家。我不是典型的政治家。这就是为什么我当选。让我们摆脱中国的话题。让我们来围坐在桌子周围。来吧乔你可以做得更好。”

Trump attacks Biden for appealing to families after answer on China
Trump and Biden took questions on how to deal with China more broadly amid transparency concerns with the Chinese government. After Biden said he would make China “play by the international rules,” Trump touted $28 billion in subsidies given to farmers during his administration affected by the U.S.-China trade war.

“First of all, China is paying. They're paying billions and billions of dollars. I just gave $28 billion to our farmers,” Trump said, before Biden interrupted, “That’s taxpayers' money.”

Given a chance to respond, Biden turned to families at home.

“There's a reason why he's bringing up all this malarkey. There's a reason for it. He doesn't want to talk about the substantive issues. It's not about his family and my family. It's about your family and your family is hurting badly,” Biden said.

“Are we going to be able to pay the mortgage? Who's going to tell her she can't go back to community college? They're the decisions you're making in the middle-class families like I grew up in Scranton and Claymont. They're in trouble. We should be talking about your families, but that's the last thing he wants to talk about,” Biden added.

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden participates in the final presidential debate on Oct. 22, 2020, in Nashville, Tenn.
Trump scoffed at Biden's answers and took the chance to define himself as not another “typical politician.”

“That is a typical statement,” Trump responded. “That's a typical political statement. Let's get off this China thing. He looks at the family around the table, just a typical politician. I'm not a typical politician. That's why I got elected. Let's get off the subject of China. Let's talk around sitting around the table. Come on, Joe. You can do better.”

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