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​​​​​​​拜登的主张:“据我所知,我不认为总统就普京(干预选举)没说什么。我不认为他在和他说话太多。我不认为他说过一句话。我不知道他为什么没有对普京说一句话。” 事实核查:在国会议员和他自己的情报

事实核查:在国会议员和他自己的情报界的压力下,一个傻笑的特朗普实际上确实在去年的“ 20国集团”国家峰会上告诉俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京不要干涉2020年大选。
时任美国国务卿雷克斯·蒂勒森(Rex Tillerson)表示,在情报官员确认俄罗斯参与操纵选举之后,特朗普还敦促普京参加了他的第一届G-20峰会,以干预2016年选举。

Fact check: Biden says he doesn't think Trump hasn’t spoken to Putin about election meddling, but Trump has brought it up
BIDEN'S CLAIM: "And to the best of my knowledge, I don't think the president has said anything to Putin about (election meddling). I don't think he's talking to him a lot. I don't think he said a word. I don't know why he hasn't said a word to Putin about it."
FACT CHECK: A smirking Trump, under pressure from members of Congress and his own intelligence community, did in fact tell Russian President Vladimir Putin at the "Group of 20" countries summit last year not to interfere in the 2020 election.
But Trump delivered the warning in a very casual way, playfully wagging his finger at Putin without making eye contact with him, saying, "Don't meddle in the election please, don't meddle in the election."
Trump also pressed Putin in his first G-20 summit meeting on interference in the 2016 election after intelligence officials confirmed Russian involvement in manipulating the election, according to then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. 
"The president opened the meeting by raising the concerns of the American people regarding Russian interference in 2016 election. Putin denied such involvement, as he has done in the past," Tillerson said at the time.

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